Saturday, August 23, 2008

White Socks

Driving on Highway 1, when I used to take a Chanoyu lesson from Sensei in the Cost, I thought , he has one of the best Roji for his Chashitsu (tea room).

Walking on the Roji can be one of the best part of Chanoyu.
It's full of suspense and expectation for the event.

Don't forget to wear white socks (or tabi) to respect the ceremony.
It's the same kind of concept to wash hands and mouth before step into Chashitsu. The idea is to clean yourself in and out, it means mind and body.


benicadell said...

I agree on the white socks or tabi. Wearing clean white socks shows respect and awarness to the chajitsu, tatami, to the kyaku, to the teishu, to the moment shared in a bowl of Tea. I guess that is why I like Chado so much, it makes me think of all aspects of life...

Chajin Yoetsu said...

Dear benicadell,
Thanks for the comment. What I like about Do (or Dou), everything with Do starts with Rei and end with Rei.
Rei makes me easy to concentrate to get into a higher spiritual leve.
I think Rei (bowing) symbolizes the action of respect and awarness of pure mind and body. The way of tea reflects the way of life in Zen style that's one of the reason why I like Sadou.